Saturday, December 5, 2015

Great Expectations

"Joy to the world the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King!"
What kind of entry would you EXPECT from a King? Resounding trumpets would announce his arrival. He is royalty,  so surely he would be dressed in the finest clothes. Do you envision deep purples adorned with embroidered gold? His throne is in an exalted place, for he is a king.  People clear the way for him to pass and all are moved by his majesty's presence and authority.

The people were EXPECTING a special kind of King, a Messiah.  Israel knew their annointed deliverer from God would come and rescue them from the Romans.   They likely expected their High Priest deliverer to match our imagined picture of royalty, but to a higher level.  The Israelites are God's people and he promised them Messiah so they waited.  He gave them clues- He would be from the lineage of David.  He was promised to rebuild the temple and unify the tribes of Israel.  They EXPECTED a might human warrior/King that would overthrow the Romans by the sword, so alas they could no longer be lowly and take their place as God's people.   They prayed and they waited for Messiah.

How do you think it was received when the King they EXPECTED  to come in sound fury, and pomp and 'glory' came as a baby?  A baby, born two normal ordinary people in a stable in Bethlehem.   Nothing good comes from that town.  He was wrapped in loose strips of clothing.  Where's the silk? Where's the gold? Where's the red carpet? What about resounding trumpets and his throne?  A manger is no throne for a King and surely a baby is no king. This is NOT what we EXPECTED!

Y'shua entered the world humbly. He was born to two simple, common yet obedient servants of Yaweh. He was wrapped in loose strips of clothing and place in a feeding trough.  He was born in a stable.
Oh, but if you look closer and lay down your EXPECTATIONS,  you can see his royalty.

The trumpets of man did not resound,  but the Angels of heaven could not keep from singing.  The bright star overhead adorned the sky and shone on the little babe.  His throne for the moment was a feeding trough, because His rightful throne is at the right hand of God.  People would be drawn to him by his majesty.  The shepherds and the Magi were a few of the first. The Magi would come and bring his gold and added to that frankincense and myrrh.

 He would deliver God's people, but not by the sword.  He came and humbled himself in his entry and even in his life and death which ultimately brought the delivery for God’s people. He would not overthrow one army, but instead defeat death, by taking it upon himself for His people. He rebuilt the temple,  but not the manly stone that could be destroyed, instead a resurrected body and soul that could not be destroyed.   It is not what we would EXPECT of a King.   But history will come to prove it was so much better.

Y'SHUA MASHIACH (Jesus Messiah)  fulfilled the promise in an UNEXPECTED way.  Our humble King's birth would mark the beginning of how He would overwhelm our EXPECTATIONS!    For those of us who hope and believe  Him, we are still overwhelmed as His love is better than we can ever EXPECT.

"Let every heart prepare him room. And heaven and nature sing!"

Has your heart been overwhelmed by the UNEXPECTED,  unconditional love of Jesus?
#Advent #PrepareYourHearts #JoytotheWorld #JESUSoverwhelmsEXPECTATIONS