Saturday, August 14, 2010

On My Own

On my own
 I am anything but lost
On my own
 I cannot afford the cost
Each time I try to do it
I never can get through it
Just can't live this life
on my own

On my own
 I lose sight of what's dear
On my own
 I forget to draw near
So I fall on my face
I slip from your grace
When I try to live life
 on my own

How many times must I find myself lying
Face down on the floor?
Broken down, weary, crying
"I can't go anymore."
Can't get up, but I have to move on
Only way out is through this
But I know I just can't do this
On my own

In my weakest moments
When I have no strength to stand
You lift me up and carry me
My tears are in your hands
You quitely whisper , "Trust me, Hold on"
And "You can not do this on your own."

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